Paper pot manufacturer

Moulded pulp tooling is the first step of moulded pulp packaging, the main
material of these toolings include aluminum, ABS material and copper.

Paper pot manufacturer
Paper pot manufacturer

HIBO Pack has a strong professional packaging team to support many obstacles and design request. Every product is designed with dedication and precision. And our toolings are made out of aluminum & ABS material via CNC process for efficient production.

Paper Pot for seedlings Mould Shapes

Paper Pot for seedlings Mould Shapes
Paper Pot for seedlings Mould Shapes

Paper Seedling Pots tooling machines

Paper Seedling Pots tooling machines
Paper Seedling Pots tooling machines

Our toolings are made out of aluminum and ABS material via CNC process for efficient production.

Paper Pot Seedling Factory

Paper Pot Seedling Factory
Paper Pot Seedling Factory